Health Care Debate Was The Focus Of Town Hall Meeting

Press Release

Date: Sept. 29, 2009
Location: Bay St. Louis, Mississippi

The health care debate took center stage in Bay St. Louis Monday night. Hundreds attended Congressman Gene Taylor's town hall meeting to voice their concerns about the proposed bill. "I believe that healthcare is a right not a priviledge," said Laurianne Manchester.

Laurianne Manchester is a proud supporter of the President Obama's health care bill.

"He ran on healthcare reform and he was elected by an overwhelming majority of our country," said Mancester.

While the majority of the country voted for President Obama, the majority of the people attending Monday night's town hall meeting don't like his plan.

Including Monica Boudreaux.

"We are totally against any kind of government health care in any form or fashion," said Boudreaux.

Boudreaux is with the group Citizen Liberty. The group is an extension of an organization started by conservative talk show host Glenn Beck. The self proclaimed fiscal conservatives say they represent the majority of South Mississippians and they believe there's nothing wrong with America's health care system.

"We have the best health care system in the world," said Boudreaux. "We would just like to see Medicare, the waster, fraud, those kinds of reforms conducted."

Congressman Gene Taylor has other ideas.

"We don't need to be looking for ways to spend money, we need to be looking for ways to keep those commitments that we've already made," said Taylor.

He says the administration should have a different focus, like using generic prescriptions unless otherwise instructed by a doctor.

Taylor also says the country should use its purchasing power to lower the price of prescription drugs and taking away the insurance companies anti-trust exemption. For now, these concerned citizens are making their point loud and clear and they want their congressman to make sure their voices are heard.

"We are just trying to call our government officials on the carpet about a lot of these issues that are important to us," said Boudreaux.
